Since November the “Levoberezhny” park has opened its own page in the social network “VKontakte”.
Despite the fact that it is not necessary for most industrial parks to use social networks as a kind of information space, the administration of the “Levoberezhny” park has decided to conduct an experiment and created the page in the most popular network in Russia.
They are planning to posttheir current news, periodically updated important regulatory documents, news of the park residents, information from colleagues of the Industrial park association, the regional and city governments as well as some urgent announcements.
The page offers several services such as to leave an application for buying or renting land, send a message to the park administration, comment on publications and present news.
VKontakte is used by more than 60% of Internet users in Russia. It is a convenient and modern way of communicating. In the nearest future it is sure to completely squeeze some simple information sites, as users’ services already implemented by the social network mostly perform their tasks much more efficiently than analogous instruments of private sites, which go out of date fast and demand regular updates. Whereas such updates are made for network users automatically.
Time will show. And now… Welcome to the park page: