On July 3d, 2017 the LR Government adopted the set of documents to provide “Levoberezhniy” Individual Enterprise with the industrial park status according to the regional law N 52-оз.
On July 3d, 2017 the Government of Leningrad Region adopted the set of documents allowing to provide “Levoberezhniy” Individual Enterprise with the industrial park status according to the regional law N 52-оз of July 28, 2014 “On creating and developing industrial parks in Leningrad region”. This law regulates the assignment of the status “Industrial Park” to regional industrial organisations, and at the same time it provides them with the opportunity to claim for the financial and organizational support on behalf of the regional authorities according to the laws N 24-оз of July 22nd, 1997 “On the state support of the investment activities in the territory of Leningrad region and on changes introduced into some law acts of Leningrad region” and N 113-оз of December 29, 2012 “On the state support of organisation performing the investment activities in the territory of Leningrad region and on changes introduced into some law acts of Leningrad region”.
It is expected that the order of the Leningrad region Governor to provide this status will be released at the end of August of the current year.